Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday! Third Best day of the week!

Wanted to write a little excerpt to piggy back off of what you wrote t bizzle.

What is Clarity? According to the definition of the word, Clarity is "clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding; freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity.
2. the state or quality of being clear  or transparent to the eye; pellucidity: the clarity of pure water
IF you look a the last 5 words of the defintion it reads; the claity of pure water.  There is cold, pure,water flowing thru the streams of Cananda into the Rocky Mountains of the west that you could drink to your delight without ever feeling like you would catch a bug.  This water has pure clairty becuase there are no obstructions to cloud the water.
Obstructions of life come in many shapes and forms. Ask yourself, when do you feel like you are the most clear, when nothing could de-rail you. If I had to make a list of 7 things that help with my clairty this is what they would be.
  • Getting 20-30 minutes of excercise. Without, clouds my thinking.
  • Absense of Alcohol & other inhibators. Without I am more clear.
  • Meditating, shutting off the world. With, I am more clear.
  • Reading, non-fiction as well as fiction. With I am more clear.
  • Sleep, >7 hours. Without, clouds my thinking.
  • Time to be by myself. With I am more clear.
  • Energy, doing what makes me good. With I am more clear.
  • Eating well. With I have more energy.
What are some things that make you have a clear mind T Berg?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Clarity From Self-Knowledge

Finding clarity within ourselves is the key to understanding the confusion and misery that exists in ourselves, and so in the world. Without clarity change and reform merely lead to more confusion. Clarity is the result of intense self-awareness and right thinking. Right thinking comes with self-knowledge. Without understanding yourself, what you think is not true. You and the world do not exists as separate with your own set of problems. You and the world are one; your problem is the world problem.

Inwardly we are all very much the same; we are driven by greed, fear, ambition and so on. Our beliefs, aspirations and hopes all have a common basis. We are one humanity, divided by the artificial boundaries of economics and politics. If you hurt another you are damaging yourself. You are the center of the whole, you cannot understand reality if you don’t understand yourself. To experience this unity you have to be open, you have to become aware of the division between knowledge and feeling.

Self-knowledge is extremely laborious and challenging. You must approach self-knowledge with an open mind and free of the presumptions of your conditioning. Right-thinking does not arise out of comparison yet in studying ourselves we are estimating and comparing. This is what prevents the understanding of ourselves. Our judgment comes from our desire to become something different, to conform, or to protect ourselves. This resistance prevents us from understanding.

You cannot understand the complex entity that you are if you are comparing it with where you were yesterday or where you should be tomorrow. Once you have perceived the uselessness of comparison there is a great freedom. When you are no longer striving to become something there is freedom to understand what you are.

If you do not compare and judge and you allow yourself to let go of your self-approximation you become liberated from duality; the problem and the conflict with the opposites fall away. Contained within this freedom from opposites is the answer to all of your confusion and conflicting problems.

To go beyond the problem of opposites we must go beyond the dualistic pattern of the I and the not I, the owner and the owned. This has to be realized though deep awareness of the dualistic hindrances.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

TB -

Good list. Ill just rattle some stuff off the top of my head.
I think they have a drive: This causes them to enjoy life more than
they enjoy sleeping - they don't need an alarm to get up they are
excited to seize the day. They have found their purpose rather than
being a spectator they are ready to take life by the balls.
Healthy: While this isn't true of all successful people - you see a
lot of fat ones who over work themselves and let their health go in
order to make that money I think its a must to exercise and eat
healthy. Adds years to your life and life to your years. Its important
to find balance. I can tell when im getting out of balance if I stop
eating healthy and exercising. Its a good red flag for me.
Positive attitude is huge. While there are always exceptions and lots
of negative minded people in power I think being positive goes a
loooong way to leading a positive life and making a positive impact.
People are drawn to you and want to help. Successful people know what
they want and they are confident (optimistic) in their ability to get
Organization: I really think your external environment is a reflection
of your internal state. If your environment is cluttered then most
likely so are your thoughts. I think a big part of why this works is
because its the first step towards making the everyday tasks you do a
habit that you no longer have to focus on and happen automatically.
Then its about refining these habits and streamlining them for
efficiency. Ex: I can tell each time I move homes or start a new life
style ie. a new job - I have a period of time where I am adjusting. Im
figuring out the best way to organize my life so that it all runs
smoothly and efficiently - This starts when I wake up in the AM. When
do I wake up? What is the first thing I do, what is the second. What
are my options for breakfast. How much time do i need to wake up, do
my morning chores and get to work on time. EX: My current job started
3 weeks ago. The night before I thought about what I wanted to do and
then put that in a logical order. I wrote on a note pad how much time
I would have from when I work up to when I needed to leave. Wake up
5:45 - Shower - 6:10 (leaving time for 1 snooze button once n awhile)
- Meditate 610-6:40 - Breakfast/make lunch - 7:00 dress and leave for
work by 7:20. --- Now my first day I was near late for work. by the
3rd day I could fit in all the tasks and I had like 20 minutes to sit
around and surf the Internet before I had to leave. I've streamlined
my routine - its solid and efficient.
Having social relationships in general is a huge thing. Sex comes as a
by product of that - It is a great stress reliever and confidence
booster. A female in your life can go a long way as a support system
and someone to relate to. Napoleon hill has a chapter dedicated to
using the sex drive as a motivating energy to succeed in think and
grow rich.
Drinking. I think it lowers your consciousness level for days if not
weeks. I quit the bar once I got this job so I could remove myself
from that environment. Jake tried to do sober October - he talked
about it for all of September. day 5 n he blew it cuz his friend at
the bar wanted him to do shots - he couldn't say no - now hes given up
entirely. It impacts his health and his quality of life. But it has a
lot to do with the environment he puts himself in and that environment
has a lot of positive aspects too like all the people you meet and the
experiences you have. Although it only goes so far i feel and i feel
like I reached the point where it was no longer serving me.
I think educating yourself is good. Reading is good. It keeps you
sharp and informed depending on what your reading. I don't care much
about the news or politics or world events. I do watch a lot of
documentaries and have a pretty good idea of where society is heading
and what its problems are however. I just feel like all the current
events are over dramatisations of negative shit and you tend to get
more of what you focus on. and politics is all propaganda paid for in
order to influence our opinion. I try to avoid it. Obviously its good
to know whats going on and follow big issues and happenings around the
world but I think its even more important to feel good! And by feeling
good you'll attract more things to feel good about!
I think IQ can only go so far. If you are smart enough to make it
through school you are smart enough. This is when emotional
intelligence takes over. your ability to control your emotions and
manage the emotions of others. This can be improved by meditating and
feeling the connection we share or getting in touch with your empathy.
Once everyone is all smart being smart in their smart little place
what sets them apart? Emotional intelligence.
TB -

Gannon brings up some good points. I think if you had to boil it all
down in one sentence.
'Extremely focused, because what you focus on expands.'
What you focus on expands.
This is why its important to be clear on what you want and to focus on
that. Alot of people arent getting what they want because they are
busy focusing on the LACK of what they want rather than the abundance.
The focus on the money they wish they had rather than the money they
have.  You need to know what you want or your will create by default.
In order to know what you want you have to experiance what you dont
want.  This is why you see people hit rock bottom before they know
what the fuck they want and do something about it.
You have two options as to what to focus on. The abundance of
something or the lack of it.
The more clear picture you have of what you want. The more focuses
your energy can be towards bringing it into your life. goal setting is
a huge part of focusing your energy on what you want and day in and
day out bringing it into your life. I spoke to what gannon said about
how he has a plan for success that he sticks to every day - once you
can make it a habit it becomes automatic and frees you up to focus
even more energy.
As far as big picture in mind and big goals. I think you can measure
the size of a person by looking at the size of his or her goals. My
thought is that everything is on a certian energy level or frequency.
If you have the goal of becoming a billionaire for example you first
have to believe that you can achieve something like that inorder to
make it a goal to really feel it as a possibility but once you do you
will start to see life in a different way, you will start to align
with that frequency. You start to think about million and billion
dollar ideas and you start hanging out with people who have million
and billion dollar potential. Where as if your goal was to make
40k/year and live easy your day to day mindset and focus would be on
totaly different things. You would have 40k/year ideas like getting a
safe job and working your way up to manager.
Top 3 books that come to mind:
Ask and it is given - ester and jerry hicks
A new earth - eckhart tolle
The force (or Silent power) - stuart wilde (audio book)
Success is simple, not easy - I like that.
AG -

good list so far.
I would say successful people all have extremely detailed goals that call for a plan of action and stick to that plan of action on a daily basis no matter what. whether that be cold calling everyday from 7-9am then off to lead generation from 9-10, then team meetings from 10-12.... blah blah blah. they don't vary, they know what they need to due in order to meet those goals and they don't stray from the path.
Extremely focused, because what you focus on expands.
Positive attitude.
surrounding themselves with other like-minded individuals.
I think very successful people have "the big picture in mind" they have really big dreams/goals so they are constantly striving towards something without hesitation. I don't think they compare themselves to other people, I think they hold a standard to what they believe they have as their own potential.
I'm a firm believer that clarity is power, and once you know what you want, and know what needs to be done to get there, success is simple, not easy.
ZD - Ive been thinking recently about what traits sucesful people have. This is what I have come up with so far.
Get up early in the morning, don't sleep in except once in a great while.
Eat healthy. Eliminate junk food.
Workout. Cardio and/or weightlift.
Don't complain, period. Everybody has stresses.
Have sex. Eliminates stress.
Organize your belongings & your work life.
Do not overinduldge with alcohol except once in a great while. (once every couple of months)
Educate yourself on politics, current events, world happenings in order to engage in smart conversation

Anything life style habits you can think of?